Business ethics

CYDSA’s commitment to the rigorous observance of its Values reflects in full compliance with the Code of Best Corporate Governance Practices of the Mexican Stock Exchange and the Local, National, and International Regulations of the districts where it operates.

Business ethics

CYDSA’s commitment to the rigorous observance of its Values reflects in full compliance with the Code of Best Corporate Governance Practices of the Mexican Stock Exchange and the Local, National, and International Regulations of the districts where it operates.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct, in line with the principles emanating from our Corporate Policies, establishes the expected behaviors of employees, people, and external entities with which we work, and the applicable sanctions in case of non-compliance. Through an institutional process, the ethical performance of employees is evaluated periodically.

The human resources area is in charge of




CYDSA’s ethical performance mechanisms send the staff a Letter-Manifesto of Conflicts of Interest, where each collaborator must declare, like their immediate boss, that there is no situation of this nature in terms of their relationship with the corporation. If a potential conflict is detected, it is analyzed and proceeds on a case-by-case basis.




CYDSA’s ethical performance mechanisms send the staff a Letter-Manifesto of Conflicts of Interest, where each collaborator must declare, like their immediate boss, that there is no situation of this nature in terms of their relationship with the corporation. If a potential conflict is detected, it is analyzed and proceeds on a case-by-case basis.

Clearness Mailbox

Each organizational unit has a Transparency Mailbox to receive comments, suggestions, or anonymous complaints, which is communicated by email and telephone. The Mailbox results are periodically reviewed and analyzed by an Operating Council chaired by the Director General.

Code of Conduct

Guiding Principles for Suppliers

Certifications and Recognitions of Environmental Management

The guidelines that all work centers and processes operating procedures must comply with to ensure the correct operation of the cluster have been established through the Comprehensive Environmental Management system, based on international environmental standards.

One of its priorities is to voluntarily adhere to national and international initiatives to certify its responsible practices towards the environment, according to the area of each operation. We are also in constant pursuit of new solutions to mitigate the environmental impact.

The following are the most important achievements in terms of certification and environmental recognition:

ISO-14001:2015 Certification. Environmental Management Systems standard (SGA): due to their commitment to the protection of the environment, the facilities Sales del Istmo, IQUISA Coatzacoalcos, Tlaxcala, Hermosillo, Santa Clara and North East, and Quimobásicos were certified.

The Electricity and Steam Cogeneration Business maintains its accreditation as an Efficient Cogeneration System, as granted by the CRE (Energy Regulatory Commission).

Comprehensive Responsibility Management System (SARI): awarded by the National Chemistry Industry Association, A.C. (ANIQ). It is a certificate in information systems safety and environmental management for industrial chemistry. IQUISA Coatzacoalcos, Tlaxcala, Hermosillo, Santa Clara, and Quimobásicos were certified.

Clean Industry: the Clean Industry Certification Level of Performance I is awarded for complying with applicable Environmental regulations, and the plants which maintain it are Sales del Istmo, IQUISA Hermosillo, IQUISA Coatzacoalcos, IQUISA North East and Cogeneration of Electricity and Steam. On the other hand, the Clean Industry Certificate Performance Level II is awarded for exceeding the applicable Environmental Protection regulations, and the plants that maintain it are Quimobásicos and IQUISA Tlaxcala.

Environmental Excellence: highest recognition awarded by PROFEPA for having demonstrated a high degree of commitment, the maximum level of performance compliance, and being certified with the Environmental Performance Level 2 (NDA2).

Industrial Security Administration System, Security Operations and Environmental Protection (SASISOPA): The guiding axis used by the Agency for Safety, Energy, and Environment (ASEA) to manage the risks of the regulated activities of the hydrocarbon sector. The Electricity Cogeneration and Steam business, as well as the Underground Storage of Hydrocarbon, were recognized.

Socially Responsible Company (ESR): recognition granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) to IQUISA Coatzacoalcos, Tlaxcala, Hermosillo, Santa Clara, and North East for their excellent social and environmental practices with its stakeholders.

NSF Certificates: quality certificates with which IQUISA has been recognized.

ECOVADIS (Chemours): certificate obtained by IQUISA North East, covering a wide range of non-financial management systems, including its impacts on the environment, labor practices, human rights, ethics, and sustainable purchases.